4 quarts Zucchini--6 large onions--2 or 3 green peppers
2 heads of garlic--5 cups of sugar--1 1/2tsp. mustard seed--
1 1/2 tsp.turmeric--1 1/2 tsp. celery seed--3 cups of vinegar
Do not peel zucchini
Wash and cut into 1 inch chunks
Cut onions and peppers same size as zucchini.
Add palm of clove,sprinkle with salt
Mix and cover with cracked ice and let stand 3 hours.
Then drain.
Cooking Instructions
Combine remaining ingredients, heat just to boil
Pour over zucchini mixture
Seal in hot sterilized jars.
Makes approximately 10 pints
2 cups fresh celery can be added.